Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Location Update / Part 1 / The Showroom Floor

We had our Thursday meeting at the new location today and boy, oh boy we are SO excited. From the very beginning, up to this point, there has been SO MUCH PROGRESS! The store is even more beautiful than I imagined it to be and it's so exciting to be part of such a progressive moment for Lewis! So here's the first part of a two part post! Below, I introduce you to our (almost complete) showroom floor...


 Remember what it looked like in the beginning?

 Slade showing us where the glass cases will be. Sidenote: Isn't Wendy's jacket awesome?!

The store lights are one of the coolest features! Watch this video to see why! 

 Even the floor sparkles!

How glamorous and modern is the ceiling?? 

The Lewis Team!

 We can't wait until our customers get to experience the store in person! And so, the countdown to our move begins! We have exactly ONE MONTH to go!


  1. wendy's jacket looks almost as awesome as the new show room.

    1. Did you notice that it actually matches the lighting?! haha!

  2. Love the multi-colored ambient lighting in the ceiling! Also love the many round ceiling spotlights with the cute trim around them! Yes, I drove by at lunch today while I was in the area and just so happened to notice that Kimberly's car was there. Well, you know I popped in to get a sneak peak! Can I say WOW and WOW!!! First class and you've hit it waaaaaay out the ballpark!

    1. You got an early sneak peek!! I'm sure you'll still be surprised at our opening!

  3. Loving' the beautiful details in the new store AND Wendy's jacket!

    1. Thank you! Wendy says thank you as well! We can't wait to share the store with you!
